Add Search to Hugo with Pagefind
[00:00.00]谁能明白我 - 刘德华 (Andy Lau)[00:03.80]词:郑国江[00:04.49]曲:林子祥[00:05.17]编曲:温浩昊[00:06.03]监制:陈德建[00:22.21]昂然踏着前路去 追赶理想旅途上[00:30.17]前行步步怀自信 风吹雨打不退让[00:38.18]无论我去到那方 心里梦想不变样[00:45.94]是新生 是醒觉 梦想永远在世上[00:54.24]前路那怕远只要自强[00:58.12]我继续独自寻路向[01:02.17]常为以往梦想发狂[01:06.15]耐心摸索路途上[01:10.09]怀自信我永不怕夜航[01:14.10]到困倦我自弹自唱[01:18.07]掌声我向梦想里寻[01:22.07]尽管一切是狂想[01:26.21]途人路上回望我 只因我的怪模样[01:34.12]途人谁能明白我 今天眼睛多雪亮[01:42.16]人是各有各理想 奔向目标不退让[01:50.01]用歌声 用欢笑 来博知音的赞赏[02:15.14]怀自信我永不怕夜航[02:18.86]到困倦我自弹自唱[02:23.04]掌声我向梦想里寻[02:27.01]尽管一切是狂想[02:30.99]昂然踏着前路去 追赶理想旅途上[02:38.99]前行步步怀自信[02:42.63]依照心中那正确方向[02:47.15]怀着爱与恕的心 充满梦想的笑匠[02:55.09]用歌声 用欢笑 来博知音的赞赏[03:03.04]用歌声 用欢笑 来博知音的赞
Install pagefind via npx (or download a precompiled release from GitHub)
Note that specialized languages are only supported in Pagefind’s extended release, which is the default when running
npx pagefind
. (Ref) -
In the Hugo site directory (for me, ~/Desktop/blog)
hugo npx pagefind --site "public" hugo server -N -F
Add a search page. E.g. write a content/ file as follows
+++ title = "Search" draft = false slug = "search" +++ <link href="/pagefind/pagefind-ui.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/pagefind.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="/pagefind/pagefind-ui.js"></script> <div id="search"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { new PagefindUI({ element: "#search", showSubResults: true }); }); </script>
Customize the style of Pagefind UI (Ref). I already add
<link href="/css/pagefind.css" rel="stylesheet">
to content/, what remains is to store the script in static/css/pagefind.css and tweak it to fit your theme.
body { --pagefind-ui-scale: .8; --pagefind-ui-primary: rgb(30,144,255); --pagefind-ui-text: rgb(240,248,255); --pagefind-ui-background: #181B20; --pagefind-ui-border: rgb(240,248,255); --pagefind-ui-tag: rgb(30,144,255); --pagefind-ui-border-width: 1px; --pagefind-ui-border-radius: 5px; --pagefind-ui-image-border-radius: 8px; --pagefind-ui-image-box-ratio: 3 / 2; --pagefind-ui-font: sans-serif; }
Open a browser with the address http://localhost:1313/search/ and try Search!
For a better experience of Chinese searching, we can use the Force Language Flag (see also Ref1 and Ref2) in Step 2
npx pagefind --site "public" --force-language "zh"
If we have downloaded the precompiled release of
and added/linked it to the PATH, the following is fasterpagefind_extended --site "public" --force-language "zh"